AI for Software Development: Best Practices and Tools
Douglas da Silva | Mar 24, 2025
In software development, it’s common for code to not always be implemented optimally — whether due to time pressure, unclear requirements, or the continuous evolution of features. These factors can lead to problems like bugs and excessive complexity, which affect the software’s maintenance and evolution.
That’s where refactoring comes in.
Refactoring is an essential practice for addressing these issues. It improves code readability, maintainability, and efficiency without changing functional behavior.
Here we’ll cover how to spot signs that your code needs refactoring, like code smells. You’ll learn the best way to refactor efficiently while reducing the risk of new bugs. Plus, we’ll walk through a practical example and show how principles like KISS, DRY, and SOLID help keep your code clean and maintainable for the long run.
Refactoring – or code refactoring – is the process of restructuring existing code to improve its readability, efficiency, and maintainability — all without changing its external behavior.
It’s a bit like cleaning and reorganizing your desk to make it easier to find and use all your pens, notepads, gadgets, and more. The desk is still where you get work done. It’s just been slightly rearranged to make things more manageable.
Whether you’re reducing code duplication, simplifying complex functions, or reorganizing modules, refactoring improves the structure of your codebase, ensuring that it evolves with the needs of your project.
Let’s clarify something important: The need for refactoring is not necessarily linked to the quality of the code itself. Any software in constant maintenance will inevitably require periodic reorganization, no matter how skilled the team is.
There are various reasons to reorganize code that is running just fine, including:
As software scales, refactoring can also become necessary. For example, queries may need to be refactored, functions might need to be organized to be more testable, and tests might need to be added for high availability and load handling.
So, as software evolves and attracts more users, optimizations become inevitable. As Martin Fowler recommends in Refactoring, refactoring should be a step before optimization.
When we stop the development of new features and bug fixes to refactor part of the code, we need to remember that, like any other change, this process can introduce bugs, which will require development time to fix.
For this reason, you need to carefully evaluate code reorganization, considering several important factors, including:
To assess the need and scale of refactoring, you need to look for “code smells,” which are indicators of potential issues in the code that could lead to problems in the future or areas that need improvement.
Before you refactor, you need to root out any potential issues you might encounter. Here are key code smells you need to watch for in the code and the software’s evolution plan and how to identify them.
Variables should have names that clearly describe the value they hold. Ambiguous or overly generic names can make the code difficult to understand.
Long functions or methods may indicate an accumulation of responsibilities. In these cases, it’s necessary to break down the functionality into smaller, more focused functions.
Identical code blocks appearing in multiple places within the project suggest the need to extract that code into a reusable function or method.
When a class has methods with numerous if or switch statements, it may indicate the need to split the class responsibilities or use polymorphism to create specific methods for each conditional case.
This is a subtler issue, often noticeable when you’re familiar with the code. You might find many related variables (such as a group of integers or strings) that could be better represented as a more complex data type, like a list, dictionary, or class. This would make the code cleaner and easier to read.
Using global variables that are not constants and are accessed by multiple functions is risky. Tracking their values can become complicated, leading to potential bugs. The goal should be to pass values as parameters, making the function more predictable, pure, and easier to test.
In addition to these easily identifiable smells, some issues only emerge during maintenance, suggesting the need for a more significant refactoring, including:
If the library is not widely known and the implementation is relatively simple, it might be better to implement the functionality internally or even fork the library.
When using third-party dependencies, evaluate their relevance by examining their GitHub stars, community engagement, and documentation quality.
Choosing parameters carefully in asynchronous tasks: In asynchronous tasks, avoid passing query results as parameters — especially those involving I/O operations. Instead, pass conditional values as parameters and perform the query inside the task itself.
Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to refactor. Refactoring must be conducted carefully and with a plan to ensure that the changes you introduce minimize the creation of new problems and maintain the system’s stability.
One of the first essential steps before starting the refactor is ensuring sufficient test coverage. If the code being refactored lacks adequate tests, it’s crucial to write new tests before making any modifications. This enables changes to be validated effectively, reducing the risk of introducing new bugs.
A recommended approach is to gradually implement changes by refactoring small blocks of code. This makes it easier to spot potential issues and allows for incremental testing of the refactored code, ensuring it continues functioning as expected.
When refactoring, adhering to key development principles is critical to keep the code clean and organized. The KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle promotes creating simple and direct solutions, avoiding unnecessary complexity. The DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle advises eliminating code duplication, making maintenance easier, and reducing errors.
Additionally, applying SOLID principles ensures the code remains modular, easy to understand, and ready for future extensions.
Another important aspect of refactoring is using design patterns and linters. Design patterns provide reusable solutions to common problems in software development and help structure code efficiently.
Linters (programs that perform static analysis on your code), on the other hand, enforce consistent coding practices and flag potential issues, such as style violations or best practice inconsistencies. This promotes uniformity, which enhances the code’s maintainability and readability.
It’s also essential to evaluate the impact of refactoring on implementation time and complexity. Projects in constant evolution may require frequent changes, which should be handled carefully.
Large-scale refactors, especially those affecting critical system components, require thorough analysis to prevent instabilities. Therefore, refactoring should always be guided by a clear plan aligned with project priorities to improve long-term maintainability and evolution.
Finally, it’s important to remember that refactoring is not a one-time task.
It is part of an ongoing software maintenance cycle, helping to prevent code degradation and ensuring that the codebase remains clean, efficient, and capable of meeting future demands.
Continuous refactoring helps avoid the accumulation of technical debt, which can make software maintenance increasingly difficult over time.
Research has shown that regular refactoring can significantly reduce issues related to legacy code, preventing it from becoming a burden on the development team.
Plus, well-executed refactoring improves code efficiency and facilitates evolution without compromising critical aspects of the software.
Now, it’s time to look at an example of refactoring. Below, we will analyze and refactor a simple order management code by applying best software design practices.
The original code works well, but several issues could make it harder to maintain, expand, and read as the system grows.
In the original code, the Order class handles multiple responsibilities:
These multiple responsibilities in a single class make the code harder to maintain, understand, and extend. Additionally, the use of a tuple to represent each order item (name, quantity, and unit price) makes the code less readable and prone to errors.
Class Order:
def __init__(self, customer_name, items):
self.customer_name = customer_name
self.items = items
self.price = 0 = 0
def calculate_total(self):
total = 0
for _, quantity, unit_price in self.items:
total += quantity * unit_price
self.price = total
return total
def apply_discount(self, discount_code):
if discount_code == 'DISCOUNT10': = 0.1
elif discount_code == 'DISCOUNT20': = 0.2
elif discount_code == 'DISCOUNT30': = 0.3
else: = 0
self.price -= self.price *
def add_item(self, item, quantity, unit_price):
self.items.append((item, quantity, unit_price))
def remove_item(self, item):
self.items = [i for i in self.items if i[0] != item]
def apply_tax(self):
self.price += self.price * 0.05
def print_order(self):
print(f'Customer: {self.customer_name}')
for item, quantity, unit_price in self.items:
print(f'{item} - {quantity} x ${unit_price:.2f}: {(quantity * unit_price):.2f}')
print(f'Subtotal: ${self.price:.2f}')
if > 0:
print(f'Discount applied: { * 100:.0f}%')
print(f'Total with tax: ${self.price:.2f}')
print('-' * 30)
Code language: Python (python)
This makes the class difficult to maintain and extend.
method uses multiple if/elif conditions to apply discounts. This approach is prone to errors and hard to extend as more discounts are added.We will refactor the code to improve readability, separation of concerns, and flexibility:
method only handles printing the order summary.from typing import List
class ProductCart:
def __init__(self, name: str, quantity: int, price: float, has_special_discount: bool = False): = name
self.price = price
self.quantity = quantity
self.has_special_discount = has_special_discount
self.total_price = self._special_discount() if has_special_discount else self.calculate_total()
def calculate_total(self) -> float:
return self.price * self.quantity
def _special_discount(self) -> float:
if self.quantity > 3 and self.has_special_discount:
return self.calculate_total() - self.price
return self.calculate_total()
def print_product(self) -> None:
print(f'{} - {self.quantity} x ${self.price:.2f}: {self.calculate_total():.2f}')
if self.has_special_discount:
print(f'** Special discount applied!')
class Order:
TAX_RATE = 0.05
def __init__(self, customer_name: str):
self.customer_name = customer_name
self.items: List[ProductCart] = [] = 0
def calculate_total(self) -> float:
return sum(item.total_price for item in self.items)
def apply_discount(self, discount_code: str) -> None: = self.get_discount_rate(discount_code)
def get_discount_rate(self, discount_code: str) -> float:
discount_rates = {
'DISCOUNT10': 0.1,
'DISCOUNT20': 0.2,
'DISCOUNT30': 0.3
return discount_rates.get(discount_code, 0)
def add_item(self, item: ProductCart) -> None:
def remove_item(self, item_name: str) -> None:
self.items = [i for i in self.items if != item_name]
def calculate_final_total(self) -> float:
subtotal = self.calculate_total()
discounted_total = subtotal - (subtotal *
final_total = discounted_total + (discounted_total * Order.TAX_RATE)
return final_total
def print_order(self) -> None:
print(f'Customer: {self.customer_name}')
for item in self.items:
subtotal = self.calculate_total()
print(f'Subtotal: ${subtotal:.2f}')
if > 0:
print(f'Discount applied: { * 100:.0f}%')
final_total = self.calculate_final_total()
print(f'Total with tax: ${final_total:.2f}')
print('-' * 30)
def main():
order = Order('John Doe')
order.add_item(ProductCart('apple', 4, 0.5, True))
order.add_item(ProductCart('banana', 6, 0.3))
order.add_item(ProductCart('orange', 3, 0.7))
order.add_item(ProductCart('pear', 2, 0.8))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Code language: Python (python)
The test cases remain similar, but we now use the new ProductCart
class and the updated Order class
. This makes the tests more intuitive and straightforward.
import pytest
from sample_refactored import Order, ProductCart
def sample_order():
order = Order('John Doe')
order.add_item(ProductCart('apple', 4, 0.5))
order.add_item(ProductCart('banana', 6, 0.3))
order.add_item(ProductCart('orange', 3, 0.7))
return order
def test_calculate_total(sample_order):
total = sample_order.calculate_final_total()
assert round(total, 2) == 6.19
def test_apply_discount(sample_order):
total = sample_order.calculate_final_total()
assert round(total, 2) == 4.96
def test_add_item(sample_order):
sample_order.add_item(ProductCart('pear', 2, 0.8))
total = sample_order.calculate_final_total()
assert round(total, 2) == 7.88
def test_remove_item(sample_order):
total = sample_order.calculate_final_total()
assert round(total, 2) == 4.3
Code language: Python (python)
Refactoring is an essential practice in software development because it improves readability, reduces complexity, and facilitates maintenance.
Although it varies in scale — from small adjustments to major changes — refactoring must be carefully planned and tested to avoid introducing new issues. We can create clearer and more sustainable code by applying principles like KISS, DRY, and SOLID.
Refactoring is not just about fixing existing code but also about preventing future problems and ensuring that the software continues to evolve healthily.
Refactoring is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating resilient, scalable, and efficient software. If you’re ready to learn more about software development best practices, check out the rest of the Cheesecake Labs blog. We’ve got lots of expert insights, practical tips, and in-depth guides to help your team build better software.
Need help with your next software project? At Cheesecake Labs, our software experts specialize in creating clean, scalable, and maintainable solutions tailored to your needs. Send us a message, and let’s chat about bringing your vision to life!
I am a software developer, graduated in Computer Science from the Federal University of Ceará in 2017. I enjoy working on improving performance in data processing queries, and my strongest experience lies in backend development. I am a curious professional who is always eager to learn new things. I have experience with cloud resources, but I am always looking to expand my knowledge in this area. I constantly strive to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the technology market and to improve my skills in programming, teamwork, and problem-solving. I am always ready to take on new challenges and contribute to successful projects.
Marcelo Gracietti | Mar 07, 2025