Cheesecake Labs Empowers Cargill and Agriness: Transforming swine production with a mobile app for increased productivity and profitability

Driving swine tech Innovation.

Cargill, the largest privately held corporation in the United States, has invested in Agriness, a leading technology company in Latin America specializing in swine production. To enhance animal productivity and farm profitability, Agriness collaborated with Cheesecake Labs.

The primary objective of the project was to redesign a mobile application, focusing on improving the user experience and driving higher adoption rates among agricultural technicians.

Resultados alcançados.

Users can accomplish tasks 3x faster in this new app compared to the previous Cargill app.

Over 5,000 downloads on Google Play and Apple Store.

Crafting a seamless user experience.

Agriness had previously released a similar product with low adoption rates. Cheesecake Labs embraced the challenge of reimagining the entire user experience, creating a successful app that delivers value to field users.

To tackle this, our team conducted comprehensive UX research, identifying critical tasks performed by agricultural technicians and addressing pain points like paper-based processes and limited connectivity in rural areas.

Based on the research findings, Cheesecake Labs developed a simplified and fluid interface that accurately reflected the daily reality of agricultural technicians. The redesigned app allowed technicians to schedule visits and fill out checklists on their mobile devices, eliminating the need for paper-based documentation and cumbersome notebooks.

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Smart Kanban for efficient workflow control.

Cheesecake Labs created an intuitive data visualization tool in the form of a Smart Kanban CRM board. This feature enabled technicians to efficiently manage their clients, track necessary data, and optimize their workflow in a simple and effective manner.

The app provided technicians with a straightforward view of all scheduled visits. Each visit was represented by a card displaying essential information such as the farm name, date and time, a brief description, and a subtitle if an associated checklist was present.

User‑friendly checklist solution for technicians.

To streamline processes and minimize errors, the Cheesecake Labs team introduced an easy-to-use checklist tool for technicians. During farm visits, technicians could record analyses, including data and photos.

Moreover, the app integrated advanced offline functionality to overcome limited internet coverage in rural areas. Users had access to all app features offline, and data synchronization with the server occurred once network connectivity was restored, ensuring uninterrupted user engagement.

Fale conosco sobre seu projeto

They have a lot of concern for their customers and the end product. (...) We have good communication and a good relationship between my team and theirs. We’re very happy with them as a partner.

Eduardo Hoff

Head of Innovation

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